The Mathematics/Physics Department at Bhawani Dayal Arya College consists of nine dedicated and creative teachers with a strong focus on developing strong critical-thinking skills and preparing students for post-secondary success. We offer and encourage students to take mathematics at all five years of high school. Our goal is that all students will be situated for academic achievement in college-level mathematics courses upon graduation.

Mathematics/Physics Department provides engaging high quality instruction, a rigorous cogent and comprehensive curriculum and a supportive collaborative learning environment which is well equipped with smart boards and overhead projectors for a diverse student learning.  We recognize and respect different learning styles and respond effectively to optimize learning potential as we incorporate the theoretical aspects of the discipline into real life experiences.  We teach complex problem solving by developing skills in analysis to explain substantial chains of reasoning and by using technology, we seek to help students understand the nature and importance of mathematics and how it relates to disciplines.  We cultivate and nurture curiosity about Mathematics and Physics by encouraging inquiry, logical thinking, and critical reasoning. Our students are also given an opportunity to participate in various national competitions and school-based department week to display their creativity. We prepare students for successful roles in an ever-changing society by challenging them to persevere and by instilling in them an appreciation of the intrinsic beauty of Mathematics and Physics.

@ 2021 Bhawani Dayal Arya College. All rights reserved..

Nakasi, Nausori, Fiji 
+679 3410018


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