“We may be far different but remember Assets and Liabilities get balanced in balance sheet…….” - Kanak Konodia
The fast changing economic environment that we are currently exposed to requires an individual to be financially literate. The commerce department aims to provide a variety of learning strategies to guide students towards personal competence and responsible participation in this ever changing commercial environment. This enables students to manage their personal finances effectively and make choices that assist them to improve their quality of life.
We try to develop passion and understanding of the economy, pertaining current issues and policies and participate responsibly in decision making. The department is effectively involved in preparing students for the highly innovative commercial world by developing their enterprising skills and encouraging risk taking.
To achieve this, a wide range of resources and strategies are employed which enables students to participate in various activities like essay competitions, Eco-scrabble, model and poster making, quizzes, oratories, debates, presentations and display corners. These are used at individual class, each year level, as well as school level during commerce department week. All this forms a strong basis and also lays a sound foundation for those students who want to pursue a career in commerce.
All this is made possible with a team of very dynamic, dedicated and hardworking teachers in the department who are always ready to steer the department forward to raise the standard of commercial studies at the college.
Mrs. Reshmi D. Prasad
Teacher- in- charge