Language is always believed to play a central role in learning. Students use language every day to assimilate new concepts in all subjects when they listen, talk, read and write about what they are learning. Consequently, language department plays an important role in teaching students language skills, preparing them to become proficient language users and enable them to progress expeditiously to gain the maximum benefit in the form of pathways to university and professional success.
The Language department at Bhawani Dayal Arya College is committed to teaching the three languages, English, Hindi and Na Vosavaka Viti respectively to the multi – ethnical nature of the Bhawanian family. The department consists of 11 fully qualified teachers to teach these subjects at different levels from years 9-13. Moreover, the hard working members of the department have always maintained a very affable environment that is conducive to teaching and learning to ensure maximum productivity in terms of the results. Together with this, the department has actively taken part in various activities such as Department week, Library week, New Zealand Essay competition, Commonwealth essay Competition, Kula Films, Spell Well, Kaila Newspaper Competition and Hindi Oratory to create greater awareness amongst the students. With their expertise in the respective languages, the members are always ready to assist the students to enhance their knowledge in the three languages taught at the college.