Commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services for money. It is a branch of business and it includes all the processes that have to do with the exchange of products and services.
Commercial Studies
Commercial studies tries to address the issues of financial literacy, transparency, accountability and economic development. Commercial studies provides the knowledge, skills, understanding and values that form the foundation on which young people make sound decisions on consumer, financial, business and employment issues. It promotes in students an understanding of the concepts and develops competencies for personal financial management.
Through the study of Commercial Studies students develop financial literacy skills which enable them to participate in an informed way and ensures that the students learn how to budget, track spending, effectively pay off debts, properly plan for retirement and make sound investment decisions, utilize available resources wisely and improvise where necessary. Hence, promotes holistic development of the students.
Economics is the study of how people make use of scarce resources to satisfy their needs and wants. It is a very wide field of study which is about how people produce goods and services, how government helps to look after society’s needs and wants, how countries trade with each other, how individuals make economic decisions and also solve economic problems. The study of Economics can help individuals, make choices. The knowledge and skills will enable them to comprehend the background and implications of contemporary economic issues. The student will be able to understand how a change in interest rates affects the Fiji dollar, changes in employment patterns and identify appropriate strategies to protect the natural environment.
Certainly Economics is an important subject because it helps individuals, groups and societies to make better choices that assist them to improve their quality of life. Thus, studying this subject fully equips students to tackle simple as well as challenging tasks and provides a useful tool in decision making. Students will benefit from the study of Economics at tertiary level if they engage in studies that include Business, Accounting and Finance, Media, Law, Marketing, Employment Relations, Tourism, History, Geography or Environmental Studies.
Accounting is the work or process of keeping financial records. It is the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of the financial activity (transactions) of a person, business, or organization. It involves different tasks which include keeping track of income, assets, liabilities, and a lot more. Additionally, accounting allows businesses to examine their results regarding profits, losses, productivity, sales trends, costs etc. In short, the business’ language is accounting. All business activities are quantified through accounting and this is where all business reports are derived and later on communicated to the interested parties.
Accounting intends to prepare students to be able to manage their personal finances effectively for their financial well-being. It also prepares the students to be able to manage their enterprising activities profitably. The Study of accounting gives students an overview on source documents, budgeting, preparing tax returns, bank reconciliation, managing ledgers, preparing and analyzing financial reports of small businesses including sole proprietors and non- trading organizations. Students also get a deeper understanding of accounting concepts and its applications, partnership, company and cost accounting which sets the platform for accounting majors at universities thus, enabling a smooth transition into the job market in the various accounting fields. Accounting can lead to careers in business, financial institutions, and prepare students to manage their personal finance effectively as well as doing an honest and transparent reporting that will meet the needs of stakeholders of businesses.