Prayer (Hindi)

Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah,

Tatsavitur Varenayam

Bhargo   Devasya   Dhimahi.

Dhiyo  Yo  Nah



Om Vishwani Dewa

Savitur Duritani Parasuva.

Yad Bhadaran Tanna Asuva.


Om Sahana Vavatu

Sahanau Bhunaktu

Sahaviryam Karava Vahai.

Tejaswi Navadhitamastu

Ma Vidwisha Vahai.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih


Prayer (English)

Remover of pains and sorrows,

Bestower of happiness

and the creator

of the universe.


You are the most luminous,

pure and adorable.

We meditate on you.

May you inspire and guide

our intellect in the right direction.


O Lord the creator

of the universe!

Remove all forms of vices

and sorrows from us.

Give us good qualities.


O God! Let us all unite and protect ourselves.

Let us provide service to others and let our
studies be beneficial and effective.

Let there be no hatred among us.

O God! May we have spiritual peace.


Prayer for Peace

Om  dyauh  shantihi  antariksham  shantih prithivi shanti rapah shanti roshadhayah shantih, Vanaspatayah shantir vishwedevah shantir brahma shantih sarvam shantih shantireva shantih sama shantiredhi.


O God May the sky atmosphere, earth, waters and medicinal herbs be peaceful for us. May the plants, all learned persons, all knowledge and all other materials give us peace. May peace itself be peaceful. O God! May we also receive such peace through your grace.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

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Nakasi, Nausori, Fiji 
+679 3410018


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