Agriculture Science content introduces students to the broad topics related to the production and business of Agriculture.

There are four strands which are further divided into sub- strands as shown in the table below

Strand 1

Agricultural Concepts

Explores issues which affect agriculture and develops skills in evaluating possible solutions.

Sub-Strand 1.1

General Agriculture

Explores challenges facing agriculture and the solutions being implemented.

Sub-Strand 1.2

Careers in Agriculture

Relates the content of the subject to the real world of work and plan their pathways to future careers.

Strand 2

Farm management

Explores issues related to running agricultural enterprises as businesses and develops skills in managing time, records and finances.

Sub-Strand 2.1

Physical Capital

Explores the issues related to managing tools, machines, fences, buildings and machines on farms.

Sub-Strand 2.2

Financial Capital

Explores the issues related to managing the money involved with farming.

Strand 3


Explores issues related to producing crops while developing skills in crop production and soil conservation.

Sub-Strand 3.1


Explores the issues related to soil.

Sub-Strand 3.2


Explores the issues related to producing crops and develops crop husbandry skills.

Strand 4


Explores issues related to producing livestock while developing skills in raising animals.

Sub-Strand 4.1

Different Livestock at different year levels

Explores the issues related to raising aqua stock and livestock and develops animal husbandry skills e.g. fisheries, poultry, pigs, sheep, goats, cattle and apiculture.

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Nakasi, Nausori, Fiji 
+679 3410018


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